Credit Basics
The problem:
The change:
New skills or perspectives:
The Dream:
Whats a credit score? Whats a FICO score? Where do I get an accurate & FREE credit report from? What companies keep track of my credit? All of these questions answered in your first lesson. Plus, couple of tricks to get you started on a path to good credit.
How do you calculate a credit score?
Ever wonder how much that late payment from three years ago is effecting your score? (if you do, you’re a certified serial killer) This class explains how scores are calculated and a common mistake to avoid.
Credit Union vs. banks
Don’t credit unions and banks do the same thing? Then why are they different and which one should I get? Good questions…. Here are the answers.
Types of Credit (Hint: There’s only 2)
There’s really only two types of credit. (Regardless of what the bullsh**ers at Lexington Law try to tell you. Learn the difference, and when to use which.
what affects my score the most?
Credit Utilization is one of the heaviest impacts on your credit score. But, there are more credit behaviors that you should watch out for. Here’s a few.
how to get your credit report for free
You might have to pay for your score, but you should never pay for your reports. There are several ways to get your report for free. Get the reports that the banks and the government use to assess your credit worthiness.
The 3 Credit Bureaus
There are three private companies that house your credit. They share your credit information with banks and other potential creditors. Sometimes they ask your permission, sometimes they don’t. And one of them had a access breach in 2018. Learn everything you need to know about them.
credit reports made simple
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