Our Mission & Vision

We are the essential worker. We are the most impacted, yet the focus of the resources aren’t being invested in us. We cannot wait for a government that has never prioritized us. We must look out for ourselves.
— Malcolm Jenkins, Safety for the New Orleans Saints

Black Royalty was birthed out of the idea that its time for us to own the commerce in our communities. We are one of the few minority groups, whose communities are full of businesses owned by other minority groups. That needs to change.  Historically, we’ve been excluded from wealth generation. This also needs to change. But it wont change on its own. We as a people have to make change happen. It starts with how we educate ourselves.


Revolutionize education

We want to be the premier self-education platform for Black America. No matter where you are, or what school you have enrolled in, you can access a platform of classes that are directly targeted towards you. Taught by people who look like you, and ( really proud of this part) are actually subjects you care about learning.



end generational poverty

Why is this still a thing? We can eradicate black generational poverty, by increasing black generational knowledge. We have the opportunity to become the most financially educated and savvy minority group in the nation. (Think Jewish) Lets get our money up. Here’s how…


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Take Back Our Local Economies

Aren’t we tired of only owning day cares? Why not the corner stores, the nail salons, the dry cleaners, the late night food store (3 wings, salt, pepper, hot sauce). We know how to make wings!!!!! No shade to the groups making money in our communities, but we want in. Its time to take back whats ours.



Create Thriving Self-Sustaining Communities

For the most part, we often feel like we need to leave the community to get quality services. Better schools, nicer homes, a coffee shop with free wifi, etc… NO MORE!!!! We can have all of those things and more in our own communities. No more going into other communities where they profile and target us. Its time to make them come to ours, because our shit is better!