Credit & Personal Finance

A race that is solely dependent upon another for economic existence, sooner or later dies
— Marcus Garvey

It’s time for us to master the financial system. We already know “money”, now lets learn “Finance”. To be honest, we can’t really win, as long prop up this oppressive system. But until we build our own, we might as well profit from this one. Master personal finance, credit, and financial markets. Let’s make this the generational knowledge we pass on to our children.


Credit Basics (Start here)

Whats a FICO score? How do I check my credit? Where do I begin? Right here! This is the set of videos that explains everything you need to know about credit.

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Credit BUILDING & Repair

Whether you’re just starting out, have bad credit, or have good credit, but you want to have great credit. Learn all of the ways to grow your credit rating.


credit reports

Made some mistakes? Need to fix some things before you can buy that house you want? Learn how to process disputes, deal with collection companies, and get your credit back on track.


Credit Cards

These are some frustrating sum-ma-ma b$%@@es! Not after this course. You’ll be a credit card master!


Home Buying 101

Owning property is the first step in taking back what is ours! Learn all the steps needed from fixing your credit to getting the keys.


Home Buying 102

A little more complicated than before. This course is designed for people currently in the home buying process.


Real Estate Investing

It’s duplex time baby! Triplex time! Oh shit, wait, its apartment building time. Whatever your level of investment, we have the classes to help you close the deal. Strip malls? Naw, its 2020 baby!

Student Loans

These are a pain in the ass! But they are easy to fix. Learn how to get you loans back on track. Detailed analysis of the different rehab programs, repayment, & forgiveness options.

Best Money Apps

Which apps are the most helpful. Which apps are full of shit?! Reviews, & how-to’s for the most popular money management apps. Yeah, Robinhood, & Acorn are in here.