Our Philosophy

Knowledge is better than wealth, you have to look after wealth, but knowledge looks after you.
— African Proverb

We reject the notion that wealth is only financial. Life is more than just money and work. The truly wealthy, are those that use their financial wealth to create better health, better relationships, and better versions of themselves. We teach wealth generation from all four angles.

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Financial Wealth

Having enough money to take care of your family, and fulfill your purpose. And a little extra to contribute to the culture.

Physical Wealth

Being of sound mind and body. Collectively eliminating our health disparities, both physical and mental.

social Wealth

An abundance of quality relationships. The respect of those whom are close, and the admiration of those whom are afar.

Time Wealth

Self-care, and self-development. The balance of life and purpose. But put simply, it’s the freedom to decide how you spend your time..

The biggest failure of formal education, is its attempt to push thousands of people through a system that was only designed for a few of them.
— Kevin Thomas Jr.

Everyone doesn’t learn the same. So we don’t teach the same. We give you the option of how you want to digest the information. While our main product is video, we offer auditory, and written versions of our courses.

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Our bread and butter. We make visually appealing videos to capture your attention, and keep you focused to the end. Fan of Youtube, Skillshare, or even ViceNews or Vox? This is the place for you.


Prefer to listen to the whole course while you’re working out? Or driving to work in the morning? We record an audio version of the entire lesson, uninterrupted, and tailored to auditory learners. Everything is explained in detail, so you don’t need to see the videos to retain the info.

Verbally (Read/Write)

Easier to learn when you can see the information and write it down in a way that works for you? We have the written version of our lessons, complete with graphs, tables, and other graphics to make the lesson fun & engaging.